1 |
bowwowforeach |
14 |
ahc041 |
Christmas Tree Cutting |
77901485 |
ahc033 |
Container Handling with Cranes |
49754594067 |
ahc022 |
Exploring Another Space |
46479995531 |
ahc020 |
Broadcasting |
518530740 |
ahc017 |
Road Repair |
49783969788 |
ahc014 |
RectJoin |
80607473 |
ahc013 |
Server Room |
407594 |
ahc002 |
Walking on Tiles |
6408407 |
newjudge-2308-heuristic |
AtCoder Contest Scheduling (Online Version) |
49595562449 |
toyota-hc-2023spring |
Container Loading |
48226618604 |
masters-qual |
A - Smoothing by Swaps |
1758003047 |
atcoder11live |
A - Turn Right |
39028842 |
asprocon9 |
A - Shift Scheduling |
161467260146 |
asprocon8 |
A - Automated Painting Line |
19845945815 |
2 |
eijirou |
10 |
ahc010 |
Loop Lines |
21132560 |
ahc009 |
Robust Memory of Commuting Routes |
7709893236 |
ahc006 |
Food Delivery |
2288561 |
masters2025-qual |
A - Ore Rolling (A) |
914005875 |
masters2025-qual |
B - Ore Rolling (B) |
836903017 |
masters2025-qual |
C - Ore Rolling (C) |
886326690 |
masters2024-final-open |
A - Windy Drone Control (A) |
492290 |
masters2024-final-open |
B - Windy Drone Control (B) |
563144 |
masters2024-final-open |
C - Windy Drone Control (C) |
710568 |
chokudai005 |
A - カラフルパネル |
49994074 |
3 |
rhoo |
8 |
ahc005 |
Patrolling |
22327711 |
future-contest-2023-final |
Dowsing Rod |
1559685 |
hokudai-hitachi2022 |
A - Scheduling of Agricultural Machinery Sharing |
16574198164688 |
rco-contest-2018-qual |
A - ゲーム実況者Xの挑戦 |
328524 |
rco-contest-2018-qual |
B - ゲーム実況者Xのデフラグ |
451288 |
rco-contest-2017-final-open |
A - 石油王Xの憂鬱 |
7815068 |
rco-contest-2017-qual |
B - Food Collector |
20877 |
chokudai003 |
A - ○×ブロック |
8363 |
4 |
wata_admin |
6 |
ahc030 |
Polyomino Mining |
41402070939 |
ahc025 |
Balancing by Balance |
99284337344 |
ahc007 |
Online MST |
14255644618 |
future-contest-2021-final |
マイニング |
3503497 |
future-contest-2022-final-open |
A - Code Golf for Robot Vacuums |
65871276 |
future-fif-digital-days-open |
C - future_fif_digital_days_open_c |
2045859 |
5 |
C7BMkOO7Qbmcwck7 |
5 |
future-contest-2020-final-2-open |
A - 千の木2 |
5000000 |
future-contest-2018-qual |
A - 山型足し算 |
9999177847 |
rco-contest-2019-final-open |
A - めくってそろえる |
919289 |
rco-contest-2019-qual |
B - ファーマーXの収穫計画 |
669602 |
chokudai004 |
A - Just Write Numbers! |
1680418 |
5 |
aaaaaaaaaa2230 |
5 |
ahc039 |
Purse Seine Fishing |
575984 |
ahc037 |
Soda |
5500219433 |
masters2024-final |
A - Windy Drone Control (A) |
504574 |
masters2024-final |
B - Windy Drone Control (B) |
569002 |
masters2024-final |
C - Windy Drone Control (C) |
725290 |
5 |
saharan |
5 |
ahc043 |
Railway Company |
49733990479 |
rcl-contest-2021 |
B - マッサージチェア2021 |
214739 |
rco-contest-2019-final |
A - めくってそろえる |
922872 |
rco-contest-2019-final |
B - まわしてそろえる |
59842 |
rco-contest-2017-final |
B - 日本橋大渋滞 |
1126522 |
8 |
cuthbert |
4 |
ahc027 |
Recurring Cleaning Route |
49822514643 |
ahc024 |
Topological Map |
337747 |
atcoder12live |
A - Volume Control |
1050258 |
rco-contest-2017-qual |
A - Multiple Pieces |
978410 |
8 |
tomerun |
4 |
future-contest-2020-final-open |
A - 千の木 |
5000000 |
rcl-contest-2020-qual |
B - イラストレーターXと不思議なペン |
106075 |
rco-contest-2018-final |
A - ぐるぐる庭園 |
786744 |
rco-contest-2018-final |
B - くるくる寿司 |
478027 |
10 |
ats5515 |
3 |
caddi2019 |
A - 球の詰め込み |
541206137 |
future-contest-2020-qual |
A - ロボットの誘導 |
4970775 |
rcl-contest-2020-final |
B - ハイパーお掃除ロボット |
1313743 |
10 |
iehn |
3 |
future-contest-2020-final-2 |
A - 千の木2 |
5000000 |
rcl-contest-2021 |
A - 魔法使いXの戦い |
358011 |
rcl-contest-2020-final-open |
B - ハイパーお掃除ロボット |
1319594 |
10 |
saitodevel01 |
3 |
ahc015 |
Halloween Candy |
169977389 |
toyota2023summer-final |
Transit Warehouse |
299585295862 |
intro-heuristics |
AtCoder Contest Scheduling |
128259274 |
13 |
Aquarius |
2 |
future-contest-2021-qual |
カードの回収 |
170707 |
future-fif-digital-days-open |
B - future_fif_digital_days_open_b |
2010159 |
13 |
Jirotech |
2 |
asprocon7 |
A - Car Assembly Line |
1002714217 |
rcl-contest-2021-long |
A - Farm King X |
5651440905 |
13 |
Nyanyan |
2 |
future-contest-2018-final-open |
A - ツカモの栽培 |
94823794 |
rcl-contest-2020-final-open |
A - ハイパー覆面すごろく |
50928359 |
13 |
Shun_PI |
2 |
ahc040 |
Packing Uncertain Rectangles |
49689880852 |
stage0-2021 |
A - Patrolling |
21505829 |
13 |
hakomo |
2 |
rco-contest-2019-qual |
A - ツーリストXの旅行計画 |
7750471 |
chokudai001 |
A - 高橋君の山崩しゲーム |
899353 |
13 |
nikaj |
2 |
ahc038 |
Tree Robot Arm |
49335341741 |
ahc019 |
Silhouette Block Puzzle Creation |
46988616563 |
13 |
rs02 |
2 |
future-fif-digital-days |
A - Polyomino Connection A |
1315789 |
future-fif-digital-days-open |
A - future_fif_digital_days_open_a |
1298701 |
13 |
yosupo |
2 |
ahc034 |
Leveling with a Dump Truck |
10586581061 |
rcl-contest-2020-final |
A - ハイパー覆面すごろく |
60392638 |
21 |
Psyho |
1 |
ahc018 |
Excavation |
45251804764 |
21 |
Rafbill |
1 |
ahc032 |
Mod Stamp |
11936474201811 |
21 |
VIP1109 |
1 |
ahc036 |
Efficient Signal Control |
47227084480 |
21 |
1 |
future-contest-2019-final |
A - モンスターテイマー |
431173598.31 |
21 |
attoa |
1 |
ahc012 |
AtCoder 10th Anniversary |
99938371 |
21 |
bin101 |
1 |
toyota2023summer-final-open |
Transit Warehouse |
294415918720 |
21 |
bird01 |
1 |
ahc035 |
Breed Improvement |
280547877 |
21 |
c7c7 |
1 |
future-fif-digital-days |
C - Polyomino Connection C |
2067513 |
21 |
chokudai |
1 |
rco-contest-2018-final-open |
B - くるくる寿司 |
472777 |
21 |
eivour |
1 |
future-contest-2022-final |
Code Golf for Robot Vacuums |
71787653 |
21 |
fileerror |
1 |
ahc004 |
Alien's Genome Assembly |
8705961576 |
21 |
gasin |
1 |
ahc028 |
Lucky Words |
1108910 |
21 |
hitonanode |
1 |
ahc026 |
Stack of Boxes |
1430661 |
21 |
ichyo |
1 |
future-contest-2019-final-open |
A - モンスターテイマー |
425798221.84 |
21 |
imazato |
1 |
ahc021 |
Pyramid Sorting |
13691670 |
21 |
koyumeishi |
1 |
rco-contest-2017-final-open |
B - 日本橋大渋滞 |
1401683 |
21 |
kuuso |
1 |
rco-contest-2019-final-open |
B - まわしてそろえる |
56788 |
21 |
machy |
1 |
wn2017_1 |
A - Satellite data compression |
237135.70 |
21 |
mamekin |
1 |
rco-contest-2017-final |
A - 石油王Xの憂鬱 |
7405332 |
21 |
montplusa |
1 |
ahc042 |
Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi |
469575 |
21 |
nagiss |
1 |
ahc016 |
Graphorean |
47255667609 |
21 |
nahco314 |
1 |
chokudai002 |
A - 約数をたくさんつくろう! |
43242 |
21 |
not |
1 |
future-contest-2019-qual |
A - ばらばらロボット |
142086 |
21 |
olphe |
1 |
future-meets-you-contest-2018-open |
A - 増減ソート |
35299861248 |
21 |
omi |
1 |
future-contest-2023-final-open |
A - Dowsing Rod |
1554625 |
21 |
packer_jp |
1 |
future-contest-2018-final |
A - ツカモの栽培 |
75143786 |
21 |
siman |
1 |
rcl-contest-2020-qual |
A - ゲーマーXとモノス大会 |
221315 |
21 |
spica314 |
1 |
future-contest-2020-final |
A - 千の木 |
5000000 |
21 |
square1001 |
1 |
future-fif-digital-days |
B - Polyomino Connection B |
1902752 |
21 |
starpentagon |
1 |
ahc029 |
Business Simulation Game |
35081861889 |
21 |
sugim48 |
1 |
ahc023 |
Crops on Grid |
45076575 |
21 |
wangdiwei30 |
1 |
ahc031 |
Event Hall |
41675249467 |
21 |
wleite |
1 |
hokudai-hitachi2022 |
B - Dynamic Scheduling of Agricultural Machinery Sharing |
24661836093876 |
21 |
yowa |
1 |
rco-contest-2018-final-open |
A - ぐるぐる庭園 |
749397 |