順位 ユーザ名 トップスコア保持数 コンテスト名 問題名 スコア
1 bowwowforeach 14 ahc041 Christmas Tree Cutting 77901485
ahc033 Container Handling with Cranes 49754594067
ahc022 Exploring Another Space 46479995531
ahc020 Broadcasting 518530740
ahc017 Road Repair 49783969788
ahc014 RectJoin 80607473
ahc013 Server Room 407594
ahc002 Walking on Tiles 6408407
newjudge-2308-heuristic AtCoder Contest Scheduling (Online Version) 49595562449
toyota-hc-2023spring Container Loading 48226618604
masters-qual A - Smoothing by Swaps 1758003047
atcoder11live A - Turn Right 39028842
asprocon9 A - Shift Scheduling 161467260146
asprocon8 A - Automated Painting Line 19845945815
2 eijirou 10 ahc010 Loop Lines 21132560
ahc009 Robust Memory of Commuting Routes 7709893236
ahc006 Food Delivery 2288561
masters2025-qual A - Ore Rolling (A) 914005875
masters2025-qual B - Ore Rolling (B) 836903017
masters2025-qual C - Ore Rolling (C) 886326690
masters2024-final-open A - Windy Drone Control (A) 492290
masters2024-final-open B - Windy Drone Control (B) 563144
masters2024-final-open C - Windy Drone Control (C) 710568
chokudai005 A - カラフルパネル 49994074
3 rhoo 8 ahc005 Patrolling 22327711
future-contest-2023-final Dowsing Rod 1559685
hokudai-hitachi2022 A - Scheduling of Agricultural Machinery Sharing 16574198164688
rco-contest-2018-qual A - ゲーム実況者Xの挑戦 328524
rco-contest-2018-qual B - ゲーム実況者Xのデフラグ 451288
rco-contest-2017-final-open A - 石油王Xの憂鬱 7815068
rco-contest-2017-qual B - Food Collector 20877
chokudai003 A - ○×ブロック 8363
4 wata_admin 6 ahc030 Polyomino Mining 41402070939
ahc025 Balancing by Balance 99284337344
ahc007 Online MST 14255644618
future-contest-2021-final マイニング 3503497
future-contest-2022-final-open A - Code Golf for Robot Vacuums 65871276
future-fif-digital-days-open C - future_fif_digital_days_open_c 2045859
5 C7BMkOO7Qbmcwck7 5 future-contest-2020-final-2-open A - 千の木2 5000000
future-contest-2018-qual A - 山型足し算 9999177847
rco-contest-2019-final-open A - めくってそろえる 919289
rco-contest-2019-qual B - ファーマーXの収穫計画 669602
chokudai004 A - Just Write Numbers! 1680418
5 aaaaaaaaaa2230 5 ahc039 Purse Seine Fishing 575984
ahc037 Soda 5500219433
masters2024-final A - Windy Drone Control (A) 504574
masters2024-final B - Windy Drone Control (B) 569002
masters2024-final C - Windy Drone Control (C) 725290
5 saharan 5 ahc043 Railway Company 49733990479
rcl-contest-2021 B - マッサージチェア2021 214739
rco-contest-2019-final A - めくってそろえる 922872
rco-contest-2019-final B - まわしてそろえる 59842
rco-contest-2017-final B - 日本橋大渋滞 1126522
8 cuthbert 4 ahc027 Recurring Cleaning Route 49822514643
ahc024 Topological Map 337747
atcoder12live A - Volume Control 1050258
rco-contest-2017-qual A - Multiple Pieces 978410
8 tomerun 4 future-contest-2020-final-open A - 千の木 5000000
rcl-contest-2020-qual B - イラストレーターXと不思議なペン 106075
rco-contest-2018-final A - ぐるぐる庭園 786744
rco-contest-2018-final B - くるくる寿司 478027
10 ats5515 3 caddi2019 A - 球の詰め込み 541206137
future-contest-2020-qual A - ロボットの誘導 4970775
rcl-contest-2020-final B - ハイパーお掃除ロボット 1313743
10 iehn 3 future-contest-2020-final-2 A - 千の木2 5000000
rcl-contest-2021 A - 魔法使いXの戦い 358011
rcl-contest-2020-final-open B - ハイパーお掃除ロボット 1319594
10 saitodevel01 3 ahc015 Halloween Candy 169977389
toyota2023summer-final Transit Warehouse 299585295862
intro-heuristics AtCoder Contest Scheduling 128259274
13 Aquarius 2 future-contest-2021-qual カードの回収 170707
future-fif-digital-days-open B - future_fif_digital_days_open_b 2010159
13 Jirotech 2 asprocon7 A - Car Assembly Line 1002714217
rcl-contest-2021-long A - Farm King X 5651440905
13 Nyanyan 2 future-contest-2018-final-open A - ツカモの栽培 94823794
rcl-contest-2020-final-open A - ハイパー覆面すごろく 50928359
13 Shun_PI 2 ahc040 Packing Uncertain Rectangles 49689880852
stage0-2021 A - Patrolling 21505829
13 hakomo 2 rco-contest-2019-qual A - ツーリストXの旅行計画 7750471
chokudai001 A - 高橋君の山崩しゲーム 899353
13 nikaj 2 ahc038 Tree Robot Arm 49335341741
ahc019 Silhouette Block Puzzle Creation 46988616563
13 rs02 2 future-fif-digital-days A - Polyomino Connection A 1315789
future-fif-digital-days-open A - future_fif_digital_days_open_a 1298701
13 yosupo 2 ahc034 Leveling with a Dump Truck 10586581061
rcl-contest-2020-final A - ハイパー覆面すごろく 60392638
21 Psyho 1 ahc018 Excavation 45251804764
21 Rafbill 1 ahc032 Mod Stamp 11936474201811
21 VIP1109 1 ahc036 Efficient Signal Control 47227084480
21 WA_TLE 1 future-contest-2019-final A - モンスターテイマー 431173598.31
21 attoa 1 ahc012 AtCoder 10th Anniversary 99938371
21 bin101 1 toyota2023summer-final-open Transit Warehouse 294415918720
21 bird01 1 ahc035 Breed Improvement 280547877
21 c7c7 1 future-fif-digital-days C - Polyomino Connection C 2067513
21 chokudai 1 rco-contest-2018-final-open B - くるくる寿司 472777
21 eivour 1 future-contest-2022-final Code Golf for Robot Vacuums 71787653
21 fileerror 1 ahc004 Alien's Genome Assembly 8705961576
21 gasin 1 ahc028 Lucky Words 1108910
21 hitonanode 1 ahc026 Stack of Boxes 1430661
21 ichyo 1 future-contest-2019-final-open A - モンスターテイマー 425798221.84
21 imazato 1 ahc021 Pyramid Sorting 13691670
21 koyumeishi 1 rco-contest-2017-final-open B - 日本橋大渋滞 1401683
21 kuuso 1 rco-contest-2019-final-open B - まわしてそろえる 56788
21 machy 1 wn2017_1 A - Satellite data compression 237135.70
21 mamekin 1 rco-contest-2017-final A - 石油王Xの憂鬱 7405332
21 montplusa 1 ahc042 Oni wa Soto, Fuku wa Uchi 469575
21 nagiss 1 ahc016 Graphorean 47255667609
21 nahco314 1 chokudai002 A - 約数をたくさんつくろう! 43242
21 not 1 future-contest-2019-qual A - ばらばらロボット 142086
21 olphe 1 future-meets-you-contest-2018-open A - 増減ソート 35299861248
21 omi 1 future-contest-2023-final-open A - Dowsing Rod 1554625
21 packer_jp 1 future-contest-2018-final A - ツカモの栽培 75143786
21 siman 1 rcl-contest-2020-qual A - ゲーマーXとモノス大会 221315
21 spica314 1 future-contest-2020-final A - 千の木 5000000
21 square1001 1 future-fif-digital-days B - Polyomino Connection B 1902752
21 starpentagon 1 ahc029 Business Simulation Game 35081861889
21 sugim48 1 ahc023 Crops on Grid 45076575
21 wangdiwei30 1 ahc031 Event Hall 41675249467
21 wleite 1 hokudai-hitachi2022 B - Dynamic Scheduling of Agricultural Machinery Sharing 24661836093876
21 yowa 1 rco-contest-2018-final-open A - ぐるぐる庭園 749397